Successfully navigating your business through environmental regulations can be challenging. Kendall Compliance Group clientele are provided confidence knowing charted programs are in place and implemented to successfully guide their business through applicable regulations. By implementing proven compliance strategies, The Kendall Compliance Group provides the client with environmental peace of mind throughout the course of their business’ success.
The environment is everyone’s concern. We make it our priority.
The Kendall Compliance Group can help turn contaminated sites into productive properties — guiding you through the realistic evaluation and assessment of liabilities and the appropriate remedial options and costs associated with revitalizing specific locations.
A commitment to proactive environmental management, including pollution prevention, facilitates compliance with applicable regulations, standards and commitments and enables you to reap the benefits of bringing environmental costs, risks, liabilities, responsibilities and opportunities under better control.
The Kendall Compliance Group has broad knowledge and experience in the areas of air quality, environmental noise, and odor. Our multidisciplinary team, which includes experts in permitting, atmospheric sciences, toxicology and industrial hygiene, works closely with clients to understand their needs and chooses from a wide range of tools to create efficient, cost-effective, and situation-appropriate solutions.
With the increase in population, urbanized areas are expanding at a rapid pace. Streets and gutters, also known as storm water conveyance systems oftentimes serve as open sewers for urban runoff from developed properties. This runoff or “urban slobber,” flows untreated as a toxic soup, laden with trash, debris, chemicals, viruses and bacteria to our creeks, rivers and to the ocean.