Compliance Assistance

Compliance Assistance

Temecula, CA environmental compliance expertise

Navigating through applicable regulations and identifying client requirements, KCG charts a successful course of compliance into our clients’ internal processes. This avoids costly surprises and keeps you focused on your business.

Our clients use KCG’s skilled team of compliance specialists to identify regulatory requirements and work on their behalf to facilitate compliance with applicable regulations, standards, and commitments. This enables our clients to reap the benefits of bringing environmental costs, risks, liabilities, responsibilities, and opportunities under control. KCG’s compliance specialists include hazardous materials and hazardous waste engineers, earth, air, and water quality scientists, geologists, regulatory experts and agency liaison/management consultants. Our professionals have assisted a wide range of clients in preparing plans and establishing procedures to improve long-term compliance postures. We serve as client advocates before regulators to avoid or resolve consent decrees and notices of violation.

Working in partnership with public sector clients, industrial and commercial companies, we have helped this clientele develop strategies for sustained compliance with local, state, and federal environmental regulations.

KCG’s services in this area include:

  • Strategic Environmental Management
  • Development Planning
  • Regulatory Compliance Programming & Management
  • Permitting
  • Environmental Audits
  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans & Monitoring Programs
  • Pollution Prevention/Waste Minimization
  • Hazardous Materials & Hazardous Waste Management Programs
  • Air Quality Permitting, Engineering, Program Development & Management
  • Pollution Control Planning & Engineering
  • Industrial Hygiene & Safety Engineering
  • Air Quality Permitting, Program Development & Management
  • Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permitting & Program Management
  • Environmental Regulatory Compliance Training Programs

Environmental Management

Forward-thinking organizations are discovering that sustainable business practices are increasingly linked to environmental stewardship and “green” business practices. With KCG’s help, the process begins with a robust system for Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) and quality management. Integrating EHS and quality management into a single, company-wide business management system can lead to greater operating efficiencies and cost savings. Our environmental professionals combine their talents to provide you with some advanced engineering and technology solutions.

KCG's environmental management services include:

  • Strategic Environmental Management Services
  • Information Technology
  • Regulatory Foresight & Agency Trends
  • Environmental Research & Pilot Plant Studies

Pollution Prevention

KCG has provided pollution prevention and waste minimization services to both industrial and government clients since 2001 – since the early recognition that preventing generation of hazardous and toxic materials was a more prudent and less costly alternative to end-of-process cleanup. Over the years, we have helped a wide range of clients meet the challenges associated with pollution prevention. Initiatives such as these and numerous others have significantly reduced our clients’ compliance and cleanup costs.

Our services in this area include:

  • Pollution prevention Opportunity Assessments
  • Waste Minimization Auditing, Process Modification & Product Recycling
  • Carbon Footprint Analyses & Air Emission Reduction Programs
  • Hazardous Waste Production Analyses, Recommendations, and Implementation of Process Modifications, Materials Substitution or Recycling to Reduce the Generation of Hazardous Wastes